Zinnie Lyse Houben-Wilson
Born February 7, 2012, Paris, France
Portrait by Nancy Wilson (grandmother)
Zinnie was a calm baby. She was one of the only baby’s I ever met who actually liked taking naps. She had a jolly sense of humor and has always been very self-sufficient. Zinnie, like her brother, speaks three languages and goes to a bilingual school, where she is an exceptional student. She has one best friend, but gets along with everyone. Zinnie enjoys cooking with her mother. She is interested in animals and nature and is also a talented artist. As I write this she is about to go into third grade. She is an affectionate and happy girl who has a wonderful smile and is only a little shy sometimes. She likes playing games and reading.

Zinnie meets her big brother for the first time.

Happy mother and sleeping baby.

At the window at Nana and Bobo's house.

Adoring parents.

The flashing Zinnie smile.

Who, me?

I'm hungry!


Fashion statement.

Zinnie likes to draw.

Wake up, Bobo.

Renaissance Fair in Montmirail.

Daddy's girl.

Zinnie loves horses.

Reenactment. Creative project during the confinement.

Zinnie and her best friend Gabriella

Kayaking in Brittany.
Swimming in an Austrian lake

Drawing in Greece.

New hair cut.
