Alexander Patton Miller
Born May 15, 1987, Santa Cruz, California
Portrait written by Elizabeth Boyens (mother)
Alex is the second son of Elizabeth, his Father was Jordon Leslie Miller, and he was a delightful baby, charming and easy from the start! He has the ability to amuse himself and slept through the night early on. He was smart and began reading on his own at the age of 4, by parroting back his favorite book, “there are rocks in my socks said the fox to the ox!”
Alex loved to try to use big words and had a large vocabulary. He would always ask me about the words I used and what they meant. I Explained oxymoron to him one day and he couldn’t wait to use that in a sentence at the first opportunity. He referred to something as an “oxy-maroon”! He was a serious guy and enjoyed hard work. After we moved to Prospect Heights he went door to door looking for odd jobs. He found one vacuuming a neighbors house who had a back problem. She LOVED Alex and referred to him as “her little man”. He was just the sweetest kid and loved by so many!
Alex graduated from Harbor High in Santa Cruz and went to Chico State to obtain a degree in Business, He graduated right as the economy collapsed. Luckily, he had done an internship with the FDIC his Senior year, and they immediately offered him a job upon his graduation. He was just about the only graduate in his class in Business who went directly into a career position!
His brother Darren let him live with him for free for 4 years as he saved for his first home. He now, as of this writing is living near his brother and Mother in Roseville and has recently been promoted to the position of Senior Examiner with the FDIC.