The Patton Family
Phil’s birth family
Cover image: William Roy Patton, father of Phil Patton in his army uniform from the
Spanish-American War.
Philips Patton’s parents were William Roy Patton (born December 27, 1878) and Clara Olney Philips (born April 18, 1888). The story of their meeting is that William was on a train heading back home to Missouri after participating in the Spanish American War in Cuba with Teddy Roosevelt. In Phil’s telling, his father was a coward and left the war because of weakness and illness. When he met Clara on the train, he made her feel sorry for him and in that way won her affection. Phil was very harsh in his opinions about his father, who he did not respect. He was extremely attached to his mother and felt that his father had not taken good care of her.
The couple lived in Saint Anthony, Idaho and had four children, Marjorie, Ruth, Philips and Dorothy, called “Jo”. William was often out of work as these were depression times, but apparently he was a local official at one point in his career,
Joseph Philips Philips, the father of Clara, Phil’s grandfather, was a very important person in his life. He was called Dodo and he was a Baptist minister in Santa Rosa, California. He preached in a celebrated church there. Phil cared very much for him and he seemed to be an extremely kind and compassionate person.
Dodo’s Church
Phil’s grandparents: Joseph Philips Philips, Dodo (born November 29, 1842, died March 15, 1924) and his wife Clara Olney Philips (born September 24, 1853 died April 18, 1910)
Dodo and his family. Phil’s mother is one of the sisters. We don’t know anything about the other sister.
Two poems written by Joseph Philips Philips:
The following letter was written by Joseph to Clara (his wife or daughter) when Phil (our father) was sick (?). He writes about a picture he saw in the corridor which appealed to him - “his (Phil’s) life poised in the clouds or fog over the Golden Gate ”, and another picture for “Aunt Eve” (?). The letter is hard to read and any help in deciphering it is appreciated.
Nancy has taken a crack at it as follows:
Dear Clara,
These pictures are meant for you and “aunt” Eva. I saw it in a ? when Phil was ? side and somehow it appealed to me—his life passed in the cloud or fog over the Golden Gate and we in suspense if it ? to to out into the great ? or if he ? coming into the family? ? ? ? for. I send it as a getting well Phil picture that ? may call Phil a picture and he may learn as he grows older how ? and he ? by it.
The one for “aunt” Eva is meant for next spring. I knew her love for S.F. and the picture seems to suggest my visit for her-now in ? ? the Golden Gate soon to ? with folded wings within its harbor at rest.
It appealed to me in and way (?) in reference to Hagel and ? and for her, to a sort of general reminder former days as ? ?
I hope the ? and ? session (?) of them will give as much pleasure as they ? and sending them has given me.
? Lovingly “Pupu?”
“Papa ?”
It is only this pm that ? to get them and then they must ? for shipment (?)
Dodo passed away on March 15, 1924 in Berkeley, California. As evidenced in the tributes paid him at memorial services, he was much loved and respected by his students, faculty and parishioners.
This article incorrectly states his daughter’s name is Emma Patten, when it is in fact our Nana, Clara Olney Patton.
The following note is from our Aunt Marjorie
These photos of Phil Patton’s other grandparents, the parents of his father, Roy Patton, come down to us with the following information written on the back of each, but no stories or other details:
George Washington Patton, b. September 3, 1842 (Knoxville, Tennessee) d. December 6, 1922 (St. Anthony, Idaho). Buried in Warrensburg, Missouri.
Melissa Jane Gilliland Patton, b. July 20, 1840 (Johnson County Missouri) d. October 30, 1892 (Warrensburg, Missouri). Married October 28, 1868 (Johnson County, Missouri).
Phil’s mother, Clara Olney Patton with her rifle. She married William Roy Patton on December 1, 1908
Clara a little older, as Phil would have known her She died in San Francisco on June 11, 1931.
William Patton (top row far right) as a politician/policeman in Saint Anthony
Later in life, William Patton tried to make a career as an inspirational speaker. Phil was skeptical
William Roy Patton in the last part of his life. He died on December 1, 1948 and was buried in Santa Rosa.
Correspondence - Looking for clues about our family history
This letter to our father is from his sister Marjorie
In 2003 Nancy corresponded with Phil’s sister, Aunt Jo, and sent photos for Jo to identify.